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1st Sunday of Each Month*

(both in person and virtually)

4:00 PM

Cortland LGBTQ Center

165 Main St.
Cortland, NY 13045

*Except for holiday weekends

In Person: Enter through the main door and you will be directed to our meeting room.

Virtually: For access, reach out by email to pflagithacacortland@gmail.com, and you will receive the meeting access information and link.

At our support meetings you can . . .

  • Share your thoughts and feelings related to having an LGBTQ+ child, relative or friend – – whether you are struggling, fully affirming, or anywhere in between.
  • Join people with similar experiences who relate to one another, share their journeys and offer insight.
  • Feel safe in the confidential and non-judgmental environment of people who understand.
  • Get to know one another and form lasting supportive friendships.
  • Learn about publications and resources on LGBTQ+ topics.
  • Receive additional support by phone, email, or private one-on-one meetings.